Neste editorial reinam o preto, o branco, o bege, o cinza e o dourado. Tudo gira em volta destes 5 tons e dos cortes minimalistas e depurados. Depois, as camadas de roupas dão um toque de vitalidade aos coordenados e os acessórios acrescentam um charme precioso . Bruna Tenório, fotografada por Yu Tsai e com styling de Kenneth Goh, tornou-se a musa do alto de um edifício de uma grande cidade.
In this editorial reign black, white, beige, gray and golden hues. Everything is about these five tones and minimalist cuts. Then the layers of clothes give a touch of vitality to the outfits and the accessories add a precious charm. Bruna Tenorio, photographed by Yu Tsai and styled by Kenneth Goh, became the muse of the top of a building in a large city.
these pics are amazing! x
True, Esther! :)
EliminarAwesome editorial! Her hair is simply amazing! And the setting is wonderful!
ResponderEliminar♘ www.sugarpopfashion.com ♘
I agree, Stella! :)
EliminarBeautiful editorial!
EliminarAmazing Editorial!