Bem ao espírito folk dos anos 70 e no mais vincado lado chique desta tendência, Sasha Luss celebra a colorida e multifacetada mulher que a época disco trazia para as ruas. Estampados florais de influência oriental, folhos, franjas, decotes pronunciados e botas de cano alto são alguns dos detalhes mais significantes para conseguir um look bem ao estilo das divas daquela década tão rica no que à moda diz respeito. Com fotografia de Terry Richardson e styling de George Cortina, Luss vibra em coordenados que quase nos pedem que recuemos no tempo para celebrar a vida ao mais alto estilo revivalista.
Almost at the 70s folk spirit and at the more pronounced chic side of this trend, Sasha Luss celebrates the colorful and multifaceted woman who disco time brought to the streets. Floral patterns with oriental influence, frills, fringes, pronounced necklines and high boots are some of the most significant details to get a look in the style of the divas of that decade so rich in stylish concerns. With photo by Terry Richardson and with George Cortina styling, Luss vibrates in outfits that are almost asking us to go back in time to celebrate life at the highest revival style.
This editorial is amazing!!!
Yes, it is, Dylana! :)
EliminarSuch an amazing editorial, stunning!
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True, Edina! :)
Eliminar<333 amazing look
ResponderEliminarKarolina Gespucci
EliminarShe looks amazing. Kinda reminds me of Chiara!
EliminarReally love these looks, the prints are amazing.
EliminarA nice Spring/Summer 2015 trend! :)
ResponderEliminarSo many beautiful pieces. I think the fourth picture is my favorite pieces. Love it all though.
ResponderEliminarFash Boulevard