O meu fascínio por misturas inusitadas de estampados leva-me a partilhar este editorial. Com looks que nos remetem para o Verão, Ji Hye Park encanta entre estampas de diversas cores. Umas mais florais, as outras mais étnicas... são o clímax desta temporada. Com fotografia de Hans Feurer e styling de Micaela Sessa, Ji Hye Park diz-nos como brilhar entre estampados.
My fascination with unusual print mixtures leads me to share this editorial. With outfits that take us to the Summer, Ji Hye Park enchants between prints of different colors. Some more floral, others more ethnic ... are the climax of this season. With photography by Hans Feurer and styling by Micaela Sessa, Ji Hye Park tells us how to shine with prints.
Great inspiration.
ResponderEliminarxx Falasha
Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'
EliminarGreat selection :)
ResponderEliminarBisous from France,
EliminarBeautiful editorial and inspiring selection. Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.