Envolva-se em cores cheias de ternura e inocência e aposte na suavidade dos tons pastel. Rosas e azuis claros, quando bem coordenados, resultam num look bem interessante e definido. Neste look, temos: top Mother of Pearl, saia Miu Miu, sapatos Fendi, mala Fendi, brinco Delfina Delettrez e óculos de sol Fendi.
Get involved in colors full of tenderness and innocence and bet on the softness of pastel tones. Light pinks and blues, when well combined, result in a very interesting and defined look. In this look, we have: Mother of Pearl top, Miu Miu skirt, Fendi shoes, Fendi bag, Delfina Delettrez earring and Fendi sunglasses.
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